Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Brad Pitt said this on an interview. And he wasn't refering to Scottish men. Due to the success of Troy, he foresees it'll be a trendsetter where men will adone togas and ancient Greek warskirts like what you see on the set of Troy. One respone to Mr Pitt: Over my dead body. I was playing around with Photoshop 7.0 today, found out some nifty options. Wewt for me! A friend from Sweden actually told me his friends use the word 'wewt' in real life. And also they belong to the kewl crowd. Damn that's geeky. On a side note looks like I've gained some pounds over the holidays. Butt looks huge. This is definitely not good. Situps only tones the abdomen, not the buttcheeks. Will have to cut down on food again to compensate for the lack of football. A friend of mine was asking me for tips on how to court girls. I told him this: Don't be yourself cause you might just bore her. It's true. Girls don't want to know you. Girls want to know someone they'll learn to like. So pretend to be hip and cool. Then when you both start dating, let the bad habits surface bit by bit to condition her to it. In the end after a couple of years, you could be yourself and she'll still love you no matter what.
Planning to get a new refridgerator soon. Like real soon. It's starting to get warmer already and I need access to cold drinks. Besides, running up 3 storeys to Alien's room(friend) just to get a bottle of ingredient is starting to be a headache especially when he's not in. Looks like Blogger already added some new features like comments and such. Well, no point screwing up my template since I've spend some hours into it already. I think I'll just sign off here since I'm starting to bore myself.

Oo vas yest pareni?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Friday, May 07, 2004

Van Helsing just got released, fan awaits finale for Friends series and I just updated my blog after 1 week. Damn was the holiday good. Did nothing buy catch up on my precious sleep after sleepless nights of burning the damn midnight oil. Just finished downloading the newest internet hype software, Skype. If u have no idea what it does, this is a summary for you. It basically acts as a VoIP phone, means u get to chat with your friends online. Pros: It's FOC, it's of a good quality and it's fast. Cons: You need a broadband connection at least. Well, gonna try it out when I get back to Malaysia for the summer holidays. Having football practise twice a week from now on. Basketball still once a week. Still doing 50 situps a day. Damn I'm starting to lose weight. Yay me! Lost of mosquitoes here now. I get bitten all over. Grrrr. Gotta get one of those electric mosquito repellent when I get back to Malaysia. Die you blood sucking thingies! Die!

Preyatna bila pagavareet

Nice talking to you