Thursday, January 03, 2008


A new year is upon us. It only seems like yesterday Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek was our Health Minister. Wait. It was only yesterday! As do everyone, I have a short list of things I'd love to change in this current year. It is as follows:

  1. Find a job - After idling for so long, I think it's about time I get a proper paying job.
  2. Make money - Either make money by finding a job, or I could check Ebay if they have one of those money printers for sale. Maybe a small book on "Counterfeiting Currency For Dummies".
  3. Not Get Caught On Tape - Seems pretty simple enough.
  4. To actually stick to all three - This is the hard part.

Would I procrastinate like how I always do every year? We shall find out after 366 days. :)

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