Sunday, October 14, 2007


First of all, it's Hari Raya. Secondly, our Malaysian space tourist docks in the ISS and I'm still reeling in from the effects of sleeping late last night after a night out. Yesterday was a good Myopia (Malaysian Utopia) meet. Yes I coined the term so suck it if you don't like it. And no teeth please. Those present were Chee Ming (soryo), Hari (siput), Allan (as himself), Kok Kong (hikari), Xi Wen (ZenGreenTea), Hoong Mun (Zxen) and I (ingky).

To kick it off, we had dinner at Tony Roma's at Kuala Lumpur's new shopping mall, The Pavillion.

The food is similar to Chilli's or TGI Friday's and the portion was huge!! Even though famous for it's ribs, none of us ordered it that night. Almost none of us could finish our meal except for Chee Ming who gobbled down my leftovers and some more. Talk about gluttony.

After the meal, we went around Jalan Imbi looking for a pub called PML2 recommended by Allan but after going around in circles for 30 mins, we decided to settle in Passion instead.

Xi Wen and Mun Hoong

With Hari and Allan

Kok Kong and Hari with yours truly

Kok Kong, Xi Wen, Chee Ming and Ingky

After leaving the club at 2.30am, we went for some mamak and Chee Ming decided to detoxify using his mouth instead :)

We were even treated to some action when some Mat Rempits decided to bash some poor Indians. Had the whole motorcycle chasing scene until the police became involved. And some more bashing later on while the men in blue just stood helplessly and watched.

After dropping Kok Kong and Hari off, Chee Ming and I headed back to my place as he was too drunk to drive anymore. You should have been there to hear the things he said to me. LOL. Nothing homosexual of sorts. But LOL. I even needed to convince him he'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom as he kept saying he'd be happy to sleep on the floor. Again LOL.

All in all, it was a good night.

Catch the next update where I'll put up candid shots of the outing (Actually it's all about Chee Ming puking)


june said...


u totally got hikari's name misspelled.

it's KOK KONG :p

ingky said...

Fixed it. hehe