Sunday, October 28, 2007


As promised, pictures of Chee Ming aka soryo in his drunk state. You can read the earlier part of the night here.

Here are the classic stages of a drunk person:

First stage of drunkedness: Puking all over self

Second stage: Loss of motor function in lower extremities

3rd Stage: Spasm of fingers on sight of Chivas

4th stage: Laughing at any random events or sights
(in this case, someone's small didi)

Looks like an attempt at a blowjob :O

5th stage: Delusions. He's laughing at nothing. Sad.

6th Stage: Denial. He's still saying he's not drunk

7th stage: Sleep. Even while he's squatting. LOL

There we have it boys and girls, your classical 7 stages of a drunk person. Stay tuned next time for the Adventures of Sleep Walking Boy.

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